Disability Royal Commission

Your story matters

All people with disability and their carers are invited to add their story — big or small — to the national picture.

An image collage of various people with disabilities
A man with down-syndrome using a laptop with a woman beside him pointing at the screen.

The Disability Royal Commission was set up to find out more about harmful and unfair treatment of people with disability across Australia.

Share your story with the Royal Commission to highlight these problems to help stop them happening in the future.

The final date for submissions to the Royal Commission is 31 December 2022. If you would like a private session, you need to register before 30 June 2022. Find all the deadlines here.

Need help making a submission?

DA offers free support for people across many NSW regions to take part in the Royal Commission. Find out if our support is available in your area here.

You can also use the Disability Advocacy Finder Tool to find Royal Commission support services available in other parts of Australia.

If you live in our service regions, we can help you:

More information and support

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General information

Visit the Disability Royal Commission website:

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Counselling and referrals

Free counselling and referrals are available to support people’s involvement in the Royal Commission.

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Legal advice

Free legal advisory services are available to guide people’s involvement in the Royal Commission.

Your Story Disability Legal Support: